“The Way, The Truth and The Life” series, and its prophetic meaning within the Book of Revelation Chapter 5, is shared with you below. This effort, hosted by Ken Wade, is full of powerful content that links the passages of the Book of Revelation to earlier Biblical prophetic promises. These are unlike any other Book of Revelation videos you will discover anywhere on the internet, and the faithful student of Jesus will no doubt realize a blessing of incalculable value!
Embrace a greater understanding of Prophecy in The Book of Revelation!
What does the 5th Chapter of the Book of Revelation tell us?
A book sealed with seven seals, which could only be opened by Christ as only He is worthy to open it. The contents of the scrolls, unknown to all but God, represents His foreknowledge of a mighty plan.
The Way, The Truth and The Life – Episode #612
Book of Revelation Chapter 5, verses 1-14.
In this episode you will be introduced to these terms: lamb, seven seals, scroll, sackcloth, 144000, seventh trumpet, multitude, scorpion, locust, two witnesses, dragon, beast.
It is important to view these Book of Revelation videos in order, and WITH your Bible, so your may reach a better understanding of how well the explanations fit together with Holy Scripture. You can also follow along with this study by reading “The Keys to Revelation.”
Request the “7 Keys to the Scriptures” offered on our Bible Study Help page and experience a greater love for The Lord through immersion and understanding of His Holy Word. These also provide a great benefit while watching the Book of Revelation Videos.
Continue to be blessed with prophetic knowledge in the Book of Revelation Chapter 6!